Messerli Kramer’s Government Relations team counsels clients on a broad range of State and local government tax and economic development initiatives. We assist clients in the areas of public finance, economic development and property and sales tax. We have a deep understanding of state and local taxation laws and continually monitor agency policy and rule changes for implications to client initiatives. Our team has deep relationships with key agency leaders and division staff at the Department of Revenue. These relationships along with our tax practice history provide clients with exceptional representation.

Our Tax & Economic Development practice also includes representation of entities before local units of government on behalf of development, infrastructure, and housing initiatives. We also provide representation to local units of government themselves. Our counsel to cities and counties on public infrastructure and economic development initiatives includes representation in the areas of Tax Increment Financing (TIF), public finance, housing, infrastructure improvements, and general compliance issues.

Representative Experience

  • Represented multiple cities in obtaining state support and local financing authority for transportation infrastructure projects.

  • Represented multiple cities at the state Legislature to obtain authorization for Tax Increment Financing for economic development and housing projects.

  • Represented private entities before various cities to successfully obtain local ordinance or zoning changes.

  • Represented private entities with significant economic development projects before regional governmental entities such as the Metropolitan Council and Metropolitan Airports Commission.

  • Represented multiple cities on local fiscal and policy issues at the State Legislature focusing in the property and sales tax areas.

  • Represented private entities to resolve complex tax policy issues with the Department of Revenue.


Picture of Katy B. Sen

Katy B. Sen

Lobbyist Principal