Messerli Kramer’s Commercial Real Estate attorneys represent clients facing controversies when environmental issues arise during their transactions. With hands-on experience, we navigate our clients through the complexities of environmental, municipal, and administrative law and policy; land use issues; and eminent domain proceedings. From structuring complex transactions and financing packages related to property challenged with environmental issues, to obtaining grants for clean-up and re-development of contaminated sites, clients rely on our technical experience to help take their projects to completion.
Representative Experience
Representing two groups involving the formation of an S Corp to obtain landowner wind rights for purposes of maximizing value to members during the development of various Large Wind Energy Conversion Systems (LWECS).
Represented numerous businesses in negotiating federal and state settlements of Notice of Violation (NOV) cases including hauling companies, landscape supply company, small short-line railroad, and various real estate developers.
Represented multiple organizations in securing over $10 million in federal, state, and local grant funds for environmental contamination clean-up and redevelopment efforts.
Representing owner of closed landfill in negotiating various closure and liability avoidance agreements for past activities.

John R. Beattie

Brett A. Perry

Daniel S. Schleck
In Memoriam